WBI podcast: Dr. Teresa Daniel on toxic leaders

For many years, Dr. Teresa Daniel (Sullivan University) has been a resolute voice in the human resources profession, calling upon HR to be more responsive to the harm wrought by workplace bullying. Her co-authored book (with Gary Metcalf), Stop Bullying at Work: Strategies and Tools for HR, Legal, & Risk Management Professionals (2nd ed., 2016), provides a very smart, management-oriented perspective on this topic.

Dr. Daniel is now taking on the broader realm of toxic leadership in her new book, Toxic Leaders and Tough Bosses: Organizational Guardrails to Keep High Performers on Track (De Gruyter, 2024). Here’s a short summary from the publisher:

This book discusses what signs to look out for in a toxic workplace, factors that promote toxic behavior, types of leaders and how they impact their organization, the role of HR in managing employee wellbeing, and what to look out for in exceptional leaders. With evidence-based strategies for building stronger workplace culture, including tools to help organizations develop better leaders and managers, it makes a compelling case for eradicating toxic leaders as a priority.

Dr. Gary Namie of the Workplace Bullying Institute (WBI) engages Dr. Daniel in a compelling conversation about her book and major themes raised in it, via the latest WBI podcast, freely accessible by clicking here. The episode runs a little over an hour, and it’s a great exchange between two leading experts on bullying and toxicity at work.

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