Sunday School: A video about a different way of seeing others

On Monday morning, many of us will start into our daily and weekly routines, and some of which will include life’s everyday hassles and aggravations.

This video starts out that way, too. And although the man featured in it may seem a bit whiney and self-centered as he deals with bad drivers, long lines, and inconsiderate people, it’s not as if many of us haven’t felt the same way.

Give this 4+ minute video a chance. It’s produced by a church whose beliefs I don’t fully agree with — my own faith being very much a work in progress — but the video itself makes no effort to proselytize or even talk about religion. It has nothing to do with work, politics, or the economy. It’s just a good, healthy, yet modest life message that could stick with you longer than a dozen sermons.

It makes me think about my subway commute to and from home and work. Although I like the convenience of being able to read the paper or a book on the subway, people can be loud and rude, and on occasion I let it affect my disposition. Maybe this will encourage me to look at the experience a little differently.


Hat tip: Andrea Gamba Mariani


4 responses

  1. Thanks for telling us about the video. I couldn’t see yours, but I got it from the web. I’m going to play it every day before leaving for work!!

  2. We make our own choices everyday. Yet, we can not control or change another persons’, bullying, or inconsiderate, mean, rude, nasty behaviors. This is when our goverment, needs to step up to the plate, and pass the Healthy Workplace Bill!. Attorney fees are too high, and no one plans, when they first start a new job to be mistreated. Thank you!

  3. I try to remember the buddhist adage that every person you meet is a buddha…sometimes that inherent nature is manifest at any given moment, and sometimes it is latent. It is there nonetheless, as is every other state of humanity as well. Most of what we see in others and experience ourselves at any given moment is situation dependent and can change as fast as circumstances do. The challenge is to cultivate the highest possible state of being as a resting (or unconditional) state in order to maximize resilience and receptiveness to others. Easy to say, and a worthwhile challenge for me!

    Similar ways of cultivating compassion are part of many other systems of belief, and I support anything that works! Lovely video.

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